The BEST Way to Get Ready to Run


Do you dread the first mile you run because you feel like garbage? Most runners I work with feel like garbage and just want to get the first mile done so they can finally get into their groove. Imagine what your running performance would look like if you didn’t feel stiff and sore the first mile of every run you go on.

Frequently we get asked what runners should do prior to running in order to prevent injury and optimize performance. If you are anything like us, we don’t enjoy the warm-up nearly as much as the workout. Like most topics in the fitness world, Googling running warm-up brings up a wide variety of answers. Static stretching is good, nope dynamic stretching is better. Someone at the running store said I need to foam roll. Our bodies are complicated, and after working with hundreds of runners, we found what works the best to prevent the garbage mile.

When we develop a pre-run warm-up we want to be:
1. Specific- do what the body needs to be ready, NO FLUFF
2. Efficient- don’t waste time doing a 25-minute warm-up when 5 minutes is sufficient
3. Realistic- no fancy equipment or rolling around on the group

We have found that many runners suffer from the garbage mile because they have stiff hips and ankles and they aren’t ready to tolerate the forces required to start running. Below is what you can do before your run to get your body ready to run prior to your first mile

Ankle Mobility

Most runners wear stiff rigid shoes all day which causes the ankle to get stiff
Start with 25 reps of an Ankle Mobilization on each leg


Hip Mobility

Sitting for any part of the work day can cause the front of your hip to get stiff
Second, get the front of the hip opened with 25 hip mobilizations on each leg
Wan to know if you are stretching the hip flexor correctly. Check out Top Hip Flexor Stretch Mistakes


Dynamic Hops

To help the ankles from being stiff as your run starts, get
Bunny Hops- 25 feet
Twisting Bunny Hops- 25 feet
Skips with Hamstring Pull- 25 feet


Running is a SKILL and if we spend most of the day not moving, we need to get our bodies ready to tolerate the loads required for running. We are experts in finding exactly what our clients need to improve running performance while staying out of pain. If you are still having a garbage mile or having chronic aches and pains with running, we should talk.

I’d recommend setting up a Free Discovery Call to talk to a real person, listen to your situation, and provide clarity on what you need to be a pain-free runner.

Click here to find a time that works for you


REV Health Radio Ep023: Dr. Joe O’Toole


REV Health Radio Ep022: MOVEWELL Iowa